Bookish Black Friday Deals

Here’s a quick roundup of some unmissable deals on books and magazines I noticed today.

ChiZine has, to be completely honest, silly prices on their books now. I mean, I just bought The Year’s Best Weird Fiction for $1.99. I missed it when it was on amazon in print so I was doubly thrilled today when I saw that ChiZine was having a sale.


Also recommended in the ChiZine sale: Gifts For The One Who Comes After ($1.99). This is a short story collection by Helen Marshall is one of the best I’ve read this year.

This weekend you can subscribe to Apex for only $15 if you use the discount code SUB2014 at checkout. (This is the only short story magazine I still subscribe to. Great mix of fantasy, horror and science fiction). I buy Shimmer when it comes out but don’t subscribe for some reason.

Chuck Wendig has a whole lot of stuff on sale, go take a look at his site. I just bought myself a copy of 30 Days in the Word Mines.

Curbside Splendor will give you 50% off any purchase Saturday if you use the code thankyou at checkout. You need to get yourself a copy of The New Black which, with the discount, will be about $4.99, which is a very low price for one of my favorite books of the year.TNBbook

I’m sure I missed a whole lot of deals. Please share any you come across in the comments. Happy reading!

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